Thursday, September 13, 2012


This is me being accountable to my blog for my writing progress...

I'm about 1/3 of the way done with the first draft of All For Owen. So far, so good.

over the next few months, I'll be looking for readers who are willing to give me honest and helpful feedback. Send me an email If you're interested.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

This Could Be The One!

Life after college is awesome. I can actually focus all my attention on the task at hand. (Playing with my son, working, writing, relaxing.) It's nice.

The past two weeks have been seriously productive. I've added 30 pages to my manuscript - All For Owen. And I cannot express how excited I am about this story. Really. If I stick to my current rate and still have those creative juices flowing, I'll have the first draft finished by the December. The first draft is the hardest part.

I know I had said All For Owen would be a serial novel, but as I continue working, I'm realizing that this could actually be the story that transforms me from an indie author peddling stories on Amazon to a legitimate, professionally published author. I know - cool huh? I'm planning on sending it to an agent once it's looking as perfect as possible. And if All For Owen doesn't get picked up, I'll publish it myself. Either way, I'm really excited about this story.