It's been a while since I've posted here last, but I have a legitimate excuse, really!
We had our second child on December 13th. She is so cute, and she cries an awful lot.
Besides not sleeping, what have I been up to?
I finally got the courage/motivation/tenacity to do something I've wanted to do for years -- write a graphic novel.
Because sales of All For Owen have been lack-luster, I didn't want to put all my effort into writing a sequel when there just isn't enough readership. However, fans of All For Owen shouldn't fret. I still plan on writing a sequel. It's just going to take a little more time.
My current project is a historical fiction set in 1924. It's titled IMBECILE. I'm working on getting artists on board. Right now nothing is final, but I can promise it will be published in 4 - 5 comic books. The plan is to publish the individual issues in electronic format only. Once the entire story is finished, I will publish a print version that includes all issues.
I have several other graphic novels in the planning stage right now. If everything goes well, I'm going to expand into simultaneous releases of several titles.
This project has a lot of potential. All I need is to prove that I can do it once.