Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Path of Least Resistance

It feels like I have so many projects in "the works" and yet I haven't had much progress with publishing. My solution is to take control and work on another project myself. But the only way I'm going to publish a comic myself is to improve my drawing. I decided that drawing better would open so many more doors for me, so I had to re frame my thinking and give it another try.

I don't want to say too much about this project, but I am working on a comic. I'm in the early development stage, but I do have something to show for it.

This is a character turnaround for one of the main characters. And there are more of these to come.

Character Turnaround by SplinterMBA


  1. I think it looks amazing Clint! Keep up the awesome work.

  2. Been woundering how this project has been going. Can't wait to see the first issue.

    Ps. My dad is going to read your books.
