Monday, September 5, 2011

The Cause Blog Tour

Starting tomorrow, I will be traveling the internet to promote The Cause. I'm feeling a little dubious because many of my blog stops will be for professional / semi-professional reviews. So, just to be safe, I'm expecting the worst.

Besides reviews, I have some interviews coming up. The first interview is scheduled to be published tomorrow. I'll keep you updated.

Speaking of book blogs -- I've noticed that most book bloggers are female. There isn't anything wrong with that, except that I don't write books for girls. I looked everywhere for some kind of man-blog for guys who like reading, but I've been coming up empty-handed. This is only making my marketing battle more difficult.

Besides my fears, I'm really excited to start really promoting The Cause. I'll keep this blog updated over the next several weeks so you all can follow me on my blog tour.

1 comment:

  1. try survival monkey and ar15 forums. both guy topic sites with sections on books
