Friday, December 9, 2011

Sneak Peek

I have some new concept art for my next novel. My brother, Russell, made an awesome sketch for the cover and I've been playing around with several ideas. Nothing is set in stone - except for the title... Well, maybe not even that. I like the title so far, but I want to see if i still like it in a few months. Tell me what you think.


Ta-da! I thought it was pretty cool. Especially because it's very fitting to the story.

Now here's the really cool stuff. This is the original sketch Russell did.

In case you're wondering what the heck it is, it's a dude wearing an Italian plague doctor's mask. I don't want to give away too much of the story just yet, but I can say that it is also crucial to the story.

Next, I added some color and texture to make it look more realistic.

After sever hours of playing, I decided to go less real and more artsy. This is the cover so far.

I'm going to keep playing, so let me know what you think.

1 comment:

  1. i think its very good. i like this cover more than the last one cuss it gets me thinking and the image is so interesting that it makes me wast to read it to see what its all about. i liked the bat being a part of the image to though it got me thinking how it goes along with the mask.
